Home  Projects

Projects Completed..

Sl.No. Project Title Funder Period Through
1. Awareness Campaign to save Kakoijana, The Home of Golden Langur(1997) Rotary Club of Bongaigaon 196-97 .
2. Plantation Activities in the Kakoijana Reserve Forest (1999) BRPL, Bongaigaon 1997-98
3 Awareness Campaign to save Kakoijana through people’s participation , The Home of Golden Langur(1997) Ministry of Environment and Forest, Government of India 1998-99 Assam Science Society, Guwahati, Assam
4 Awareness Campaign to revive Nayachara beel  through people’s participation Ministry of Environment and Forest, Government of India 1999-2000 Assam Science Society, Guwahati, Assam
5 Survey of Inland Wetlands of Bongaigaon and Goalpara District(2001-02) Salim Ali Conservation of Nature and Natural History (SACON)   2001-02
6. Awareness Campaign on Sustainable Development among the fringe villagers for Conservation of  Kakoijana Reserve Forest (NEAC 2001-02) Ministry of Environment and Forest, Government of India 2001-02 Assam Science Society, Guwahati, Assam
8. Plantation Activity in the Golden Langur habitat of Kakoijana RF and Kachugaon RF (2002) Indo-US Primate Project 2001-2002 Community Conservation Inc., Wisconsin, USA
9. National Watershed Development Project for Rain fed Areas (NWDPRA)  Kolobari-Thorthori (Extension) 2002-03 Government of India 2002-03 Department of Agriculture, Assam
10. Golden Langur Conservation Project-I (2003-04) Margot Marsh Biodiversity Foundation, USA 2003-2004 Aaranyak & Community Conservation Inc., Wisconsin, USA
11. Golden Langur Conservation Project-II (2004-05) Margot Marsh Biodiversity Foundation, USA 2004-05 Aaranyak & Community Conservation Inc., Wisconsin, USA
12. Awareness Campaign on Solid Waste Management in the Urban Areas of Bongaigaon Town, Assam (NEAC 2004-05) Ministry of Environment and Forest, Government of India Assam Science Society, Guwahati, Assam
13. Survey of Urpad Bill for confirmation of IBA Site (2005) Self Financed 2004-05
14. Golden Langur Conservation Project-III (2006-07) Margot Marsh Biodiversity Foundation, USA 2006-07 Aaranyak (Part) & Community Conservation Inc., Wisconsin, USA
15. Study on the Occurrence of White-bellied Heron(Ardea insignis) in the Wetlands of lower Assam districts, Assam, India.(2006) RSPB 2006-07
16. Golden Langur Conservation and Research in Kakoijana Reserve Forest through peoples participation (2007-08) Jacobsen Conservation Award 2007-08 Community Conservation Inc., Wisconsin, USA
Golden Langur Conservation Project-IV (2007-08) Margot Marsh Biodiversity Foundation, USA Community Conservation Inc., Wisconsin, USA
17. Conservation Campaign on Gharial (Gavialis gangeticus) in Western Assam (2007) The Rufford Small Grants Foundation 2007-08 Aaranyak Rapid Response Grant 2007
18. Bodoland Conservation Volunteer Project-I Increasing Protection of the Manas Biosphere Reserve(2007-08) U S Fish & Wildlife Service 2007-08 Community Conservation Inc., Wisconsin, USA
19. Golden Langur Conservation Project-V (2008-09) Maintaining the Momentum of Community Protection for the Golden Langur (Trachypithecus geei) in Western Assam, India Margot Marsh Biodiversity Foundation, USA 2008-09 Community Conservation Inc., Wisconsin, USA
20 Bodoland Conservation Volunteer Project-II Increasing Protection of the Manas Biosphere Reserve(10-11) U S Fish & Wildlife Service 2010-11 Community Conservation Inc., Wisconsin, USA
21. Vulture Conservation Programme (2008-2010) Self Financed & ongoing 2008-2010
22. Study of the Community Sacred Forest areas in Bongaigaon District with special reference to the available habitats for Golden Langur (Trachypithecus geei) The Rufford Small Grants Foundation 2010-11 Aaranyak, Guwahati.
23 Rapid Surveys in Known and Probable Sites to Confirm the Distribution of White-bellied Heron (Ardea insignis) in Assam. Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) 2010-11 ATREE, India
24 Research on Golden Langur Primate Conservation Inc. 2011-12
25 Kolobari-Thorthori Watershed Project under National Watershed Development Project for Rainfed Area. Government of India 2011-12 & 2012-13 Department of Agriculture, Assam
26 Eco-tourism and Museum at Ultapani and Koilamoila U S Fish & Wildlife Service 2010-11 & 2011-12 Community Conservation Inc., Wisconsin, USA
27 Maintaining Continuity of Community Protection for the Manas Biosphere Reserve and  the Ripu Chirang Elephant Reserve  U S Fish & Wildlife Service 2010-11 & 2011-12
28 Bodoland Conservation Volunteer Project-III Increasing Protection of the Manas Biosphere Reserve(12-13) U S Fish & Wildlife Service 2012-13 Community Conservation Inc., Wisconsin, USA
29 SOS grant for conservation of WBH IUCN 2013-14 ATREE
30 ECO Club MOEFCC, Govt of India 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 ASTEC
31 National Nature Camp-2019 MOEFCC, Govt of India 2018-19 ASTEC

February 2025